
Friday, August 8, 2014

Facebook, Twitter, and Wikis: Social Media in the College Classroom

 Did you know that TSMRI produces its own peer-reviewed, open access peer-reviewed journal? The Journal of Social Media In Society disseminates social media research twice a year.  If you are interested in submitting a paper or becoming a peer reviewer, please visit the journal website.


Below is an article abstract from our latest issue.  Dr. Jennifer Shewmaker, a psychology instructor at Abilene Christian University, discusses their campus-wide mobile learning program, and how faculty members used social media in their classrooms.

creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by lukew
College student surrounded by mobile devices.
creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo (untitled) shared by lukew


Social Media in the Classroom: Challenges and Strategies in Faculty Development


Jennifer Shewmaker


Abilene Christian University began developing a campus wide mobile learning program in 2008, providing a context of campus saturation by 2010. The re-imagining of teaching and learning prompted by this initiative led to the use of mobile learning and to the introduction of social media components into the learning context. This paper will discuss the promise and challenges of social media in the classroom, explore the use of social media in higher education, and discuss the strategies that the Adams Center for Teaching and Learning has used in order to provide faculty development training for the use of social media within both traditional and non-traditional learning environments


is a cross-collaborative initiative where Tarleton State University students, faculty, and staff organize an annual social media conference and produce a peer-reviewed social media research journal. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook  for the latest social media news, research, and more.

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