
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

5 Reasons You Might Not Need LinkedIn

 Did you know that over 259 million people use LinkedIn?  We here at TSMRI are LinkedIn fans, but that doesn't mean it's for everyone.
  • So...should you take the plunge?
  • Or, if you have a neglected account (you know who you are), should you log back in?
Check out our reasons why LinkedIn might NOT be for you below.

5.  You're burned out and about to retire.

creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-SA ) flickr photo shared by kayepants

You can't wait until your last day of work, and you look forward to never seeing any of your colleagues ever again.  You don't want to connect with former co-workers, keep up on industry news, or plan meetups.  You are done.  None of us want to finish our working life in these conditions, but unfortunately, it does happen. Here are tips on avoiding sabotage by co-workers.

4. You're in the middle of a (personal or professional) crisis.

If this is the case, just dealing with what life throws you at you from day to day will sap all of your energy. Take care of the basics--food, sleep, etc.  Take care of YOU. The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress recommends that people in crisis situations  discuss their experience, seek support, get physical exercise, meditate, and hug others.

3. You're being stalked/harassed online.

Although this may sound like an extreme case, sadly it is not. If you are the victim of online threats, you are probably leery of self-promotion.  Read this guide to cyberharassment and cyberstalking laws in the U.S.  An excellent (and brief) guide to these issues, packed with useful tips, is The Smart Girls' Guide To Privacy.

2. You're just fine, thank you very much.

You may already use Twitter for professional networking, or you might prefer to meet people face to face.  Maybe you work in an unconventional profession (such as acting) where LinkedIn would be of little assistance. In this case, brava and happy trails.  Perhaps LinkedIn hasn't provided you value yet, but you may want to use it in the future for networking, or after you've made a career change.

Social media expert Chris Brogan famously closed his LinkedIn account in 2012 due to technical issues but is now back on the site, with over 500 connections.

1. You're on LinkedIn, but rarely use it.  

There are several types of people in this category:
 Which one of these is you?   

If you don't fall into any of the five categories above, then stay tuned for 
future blog posts on maximizing your presence on LinkedIn.

In the meantime, check out this handy guide.

is a cross-collaborative initiative where Tarleton State University students, faculty, and staff organize an annual social media conference and produce a peer-reviewed social media research journal. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. for the latest social media news, research, and more.

Yvonne is a TSMRI co-director and librarian who likes old
and new media.

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