
Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 21 Social Media Highlights in 2012

As 2012 closes, the TSMRI board members and interns created a list of the top social media events, news and hashtags for the year. Let the countdown begin:

21.  A couple names their baby Hashtag.
20.  Oprah Winfrey endorsed the Microsoft Surface via a tweet. However, the tweet came from Microsoft’s rival ~ the Apple iPad

19. We begin to see promoted tweets for political candidates.
18.  “Linsanityerupts.

17.  MySpace re-brands and re-emerges.
16. Instagram announces upcoming change of service that allows advertisers to use photos without consent, then promises to reverse policy after public outcry on social media
15. “Call Me Maybe” spin off videos were created by all kinds of groups, celebrities and colleges.

14. Whitney Houston’s death broke on Twitter.

13. Twitter hashtag for fiscal cliff talks:  #my2k  
12. A video of a bullied bus monitor becomes viral on YouTube, inspiring a donation campaign that reaches $700,000--allowing the bus monitor to retire and pay off both her car and her house.

11. Google+ quietly reaches 400 million users.

10. Political revolutions take place throughout the world by means of Twitter and Facebook …much of this happened in 2011, but some 2012 revolutions (Israeli-Palestinian conflict) were fueled by social media as well

9. Hurricane Sandy - Social media helped spread news to families.

8. The London Olympics saw 150 million tweets in 16 days

7. The SOPA controversy (Stop Online Piracy Act).

6. #SandyHook becomes a hash tag after the shooting in Newtown, especially on Instagram.

5. The first Presidential Google hangout is held.
3. Facebook hit the 1 billion user mark in 2012, becomes publicly traded and acquires Instagram.

2. YouTube broke records with a Korean singer. Psy’s “Gangnam Style” is the top trending video of 2012. 

1. The KONY 2012 movement sweeps social media but loses much of its impetus after its founder has a public mental breakdown.

What do you think? Let us know by commenting below. And we'll see you in 2013. Happy New Year!


  1. PINTEREST!!! Pinterest has grown so much in 2012, can't wait to see the future of this social media!


  2. Social media means you must network as much as you can and it needs to be evident in your profiles. Make an account on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr and so on. Showcase your interests, be social and consistent.
    Media social


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